Learn more about some of the most unique dinosaurs, prehistoric reptiles, and flying reptiles discovered in 2024.
Humans have a long history of misinterpreting ancient fossils. Here are 10 creatures from the dinosaur age that looked way ...
This newly identified dinosaur species represents the oldest and most primitive type of ornithischian dinosaur found in Asia ...
Fossil Record A gradual decline in the number of dinosaur species would likely mirror an equally gradual cause of their ultimate extinction. Conversely, a sudden "now you see them, now you don't ...
Experts have continued to name new species and reveal previously unknown details of dinosaur lives at a rapid pace, allowing us to envision the Mesozoic world in ever more detail. Paleontologists ...
The new species contributes to a fuller understanding of life ... Sixty-Million-Year-Old Grape Seeds Reveal How the Death of the Dinosaurs May Have Paved the Way for Grapes to Spread July 1 ...