Anyone who drives frequently is probably used to being bombarded with too many road signs to count along their route. Some ...
There is no treatment or vaccine for CWD. A deer may not show any signs of CWD until 18 to 24 months after becoming infected, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Arguably the most obvious ...
White-tailed deer are everywhere in North Carolina and they are a hazard to drivers, especially from the October to December ...
"We urge drivers to check their speed and stay alert especially when they see deer warning signs or are travelling through a heavily wooded or forested stretch of road." Stay alert to deer in ...
Watch out for deer! Here are a few things you should (and should NOT) do in Texas if you have an unfortunate collision.
Due to their size and weight, the deer also cause large amounts of damage to vehicles which can injure drivers and passengers, police explained. Mirrors and warning signs have been put up around ...
SHREVEPORT, La. -- If you enjoy getting in some hunting over the winter months, there's a new alert out about a fatal disease in deer. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) killed a deer in a captive herd ...