Scratch the surface of history, and you're likely to find the presence of a very powerful book. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, but it was another Tom, Thomas Paine ...
Two new books about Thomas Jefferson are out, one fiction (Thomas Jefferson Dreams of Sally Hemings by Stephen O’Connor), one non-fiction (“Most Blessed of the Patriarchs” by Annette ...
This book emphasizes the centrality of nationhood to Thomas Jefferson's thought and politics, envisioning Jefferson as a cultural nationalist whose political project sought the alignment of the ...
This book examines Thomas Jefferson's attempt to combine respect for a fundamental constitution with the fact that no set of laws can foresee every event. His solution to this problem offers a ...
Jeffersons respect for the enlightenment ideals of memory, reason and imagination shaped how he organized his library (Video: Molly Roberts). Read more at https://www ...
A new book by historian William E. Leuchtenburg examines how the first six commanders in chief embodied the revolutionary spirit and set precedents that shaped their successors' tenures Sara ...