In 2023, investors between the ages of 55 and 64 had an average 401(k) account balance of $244,750, according to Vanguard's ...
The average person who has been at a job for a decade or more has a 401(k) balance that is more than double the overall ...
The average 401(k) balance for five million Vanguard participants was $134,128 across all age groups in 2023, according to the firm's How America Saves report. However, this figure doesn’t ...
The average retiree has more than $232,000 in his or her 401(k). The median is far lower than the average, which means the average is skewed by higher-balance accounts. There are a few caveats to ...
The average person age 65 and older has $272,588 in his or her 401(k), according to the latest data from retirement giant Vanguard. This is significantly higher than the average balance of $ ...